The abundance of dolomitic strata in the geological record contrasts with the general rarity of locations where dolomite forms today, a discrepancy that has long posed a problem for their interpretation. Recent culture experiments show that dolomite can precipitate at room temperature, raising the possibility that many ancient dolomites may be of syngenetic origin. We compiled a large geodata set of secular variations in dolomite abundance in the Phanerozoic, coupled with compilations of genus richness of marine benthic invertebrates and sulfur-isotope variations in marine carbonates. These data show that dolomite abundance is negatively correlated to genus diversity, with four dolomite peaks occurring during mass extinctions. Dolomite peaks also correspond to the rapid increase in sulfur-isotope composition (δ34S), an indicator of enhanced sulfate reduction, in anoxic oceans. These results confirm that variations in dolomite abundance during the Phanerozoic were closely linked with changes in marine benthic diversity, with both in turn related to oceanic redox conditions.

Figure 1: Environmental and biotic variables related to Phanerozoic dolomite abundance. (A) Variations in dolomite abundance (results of 10,000 resampling runs) throughout the Phanerozoic. Blue dots indicate mean values, and error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. (B) Sulfur-isotope composition of Phanerozoic marine carbonate rocks. (C) Diversity of marine benthic invertebrates and oceanic redox conditions in Phanerozoic history. Yellow bars highlight five mass extinctions. Sulfur isotope data are from Kampschulte and Strauss (2004),Prokoph et al. (2008), and Hannisdal and Peters (2011); note that almost all sulfur isotope data (171 out of 186) are sourced from the same regions where carbonate sections presented in our geodata set are located (see Dataset S1 in the Supplemental Material [see footnote 1]; see also Kampschulte and Strauss, 2004). Paleontology data are from Paleobiology Database (PBDB; https://paleobiodb.org). Ocean anoxic events are from Whiteside and Grice (2016) and Song et al.(2017), with modifications. Cam—Cambrian; Or—Ordovician; S—Silurian; D—Devonian; Car—Carboniferous; P—Permian; Tr—Triassic; Jur—Jurassic; Cre—Cretaceous; Pg—Paleogene; N—Neogene.

Figure 2: (A) Dolomite abundance versus genus richness of marine benthic invertebrates, showing negative correlation (p = 0.007). (B) Dolomite abundance versus rate of change of δ34S, showing positive correlation (p = 0.002) (pink dots spanning the middle Cambrian to Early Ordovician were excluded from analysis; see the Discussion in the text), where an increase in δ34S is a good proxy of enhanced pyrite burial caused by intense sulfate reductions.

Figure 3: Schematic models of benthic community and redox conditions for oxic and anoxic seafloor environments. (A) Benthic invertebrates dominate seafloor under oxic conditions, and sediments are oxidized due to burrowing and irrigation by benthic invertebrates. (B) Microbes dominate seafloor under anoxic conditions. Seafloors are colonized by microbial mats that provide sufficient organic matter for underlying sediments to sustain intensive sulfate reduction. OM—organic matter, DSR—dissimilatory sulfate reduction, SMT—sulfate-methane transition.
Title: Li, M., Wignall, P.B., Dai, X., Hu, M., Song, H.*, 2021. Phanerozoic variation in dolomite abundance linked to oceanic anoxia. Geology.
Doi: 10.1130/G48502.1.
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