On November 30, the talent working conference of Hubei provincial CPC committee was held. At the conference, the Hubei provincial CPC committee and government presented the "Hubei Outstanding Talent Award", which is the highest honor for talents in Hubei Province. and Academician Yin Hongfu from CUG is one of totally 20 award winners.
Academician Yin Hongfu is a stratigraphic paleontologist and geologist. He ever served as the president of CUG (China University of Geosciences), vice chairman of Paleontological Society of China (PSC), deputy editor in chief of Journal of Paleontology, Geological Sciences and the paleontology branch of Encyclopedia of China. He also served as a member of the Triassic branch of the International Stratigraphic Commission, chairman of the International Working Committee on the Permian-Triassic boundary, chairman of International Geological Correlation 359 Plan, and won second prizes of the National Natural Science Award for three times, Yin Zanxun Award of Paleontological Society of China, Li Siguang Geological Science Award of Geological Society of China (GSC), and "Science and Technology Progress Award" of He Liang&He Li Foundation. In addition, he also won the titles of "National Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions", "China's Best Worker in Science & Technology" and "China's Best Teacher".

Yin Hongfu: deciphering geo-codes from rock stratum